
格兰谷州立大学正在密切关注 全球猴痘爆发.  地方卫生部门 追踪西密歇根州的病例.   


MPV is a rare disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. The virus that causes MPV is part of the same family of viruses as variola virus, 天花病毒引起天花的病毒. MPV symptoms are similar to smallpox symptoms, but milder, and monkeypox is rarely fatal.  了解更多:  博天堂官方网页猴痘|猴痘|痘病毒| CDC

MPV不像COVID-19那样具有传染性. 你一定是延长了, physical contact or shared bedding/服装/毛巾 with someone who has MPV for it to spread.




Anyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, who has been in 密切的个人接触 有猴痘(MPV)的人就有风险.

  • 病毒可通过亲密接触在人与人之间传播, 个人接触(经常是皮肤接触), 包括:
    • direct contact with an infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids
    • 期间呼吸道分泌物延长, 面对面的接触, 或者在亲密的身体接触中, 比如接吻, 拥抱, 或性
    • 接触的对象, fabrics (such as 服装 or linens) that previously touched the rash or body fluids of someone with monkeypox
    • 被感染的动物抓伤或咬伤
  • MPV can be acquired by all people, regardless of gender identity 或性ual orientation
  • MPV引起皮疹
  • MPV can spread from the time symptoms start 直到 the rash has fully healed 一层新鲜的皮肤形成了. 这可能需要几个星期.


根据疾病预防控制中心的数据,  MPV symptoms usually start within 3 weeks of exposure to the virus. If someone has flu-like symptoms, they will usually develop a rash 1-4 days later.

If you get MPV, you may have fever, chills, sore muscles, headache, or tiredness and then get a rash.  更多信息请点击这里: 体征与症状|猴痘|痘病毒| CDC

MPV can be spread from the time symptoms start 直到 the rash has healed, 所有的结痂都脱落了, 一层新鲜的皮肤形成了. 这种疾病通常持续2-4周.


  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, especially before eating or touching your face and after you use the bathroom.
  • 不要共用可能被污染的物品, 比如床上用品, 服装, 毛巾, 洗衣服, 饮水杯或餐具. 避免混洗衣物. 
  • When sharing spaces be sure to clean toilet seats and faucets
  • 清洁和个人卫生是重中之重.  
  • 实行安全性行为,避免危险的性行为.
    • 与合作伙伴谈论MPV.
    • 节日, 事件, and concerts w在这里 attendees are fully clothed and unlikely to share skin-to-skin contact are safer. However, attendees should be mindful of activities (like kissing) that might spread MPV.
    • 一个狂欢, 聚会,派对, or club w在这里 t在这里 is minimal 服装 and w在这里 t在这里 is direct, 个人, 皮肤接触通常有一定的风险. Avoid any rash you see on others and consider minimizing skin-to-skin contact.
    • 封闭空间, 比如密室, 桑拿, 性俱乐部, 或者私密的私人和公共性派对, often anonymous sexual contact with multiple partners occurs, 更有可能传播MPV.
  • Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with people who have a rash that looks like MPV.
    • 查看体征和症状 在这里
    • 不要触摸MPV患者的皮疹或结痂.
    • Do not kiss, hug, cuddle or have sex with someone with MPV.
    • Avoid contact with objects and materials that a person with MPV has used.
    • Do not share eating utensils or cups with a person with MPV
    • Do not handle or touch the bedding, 毛巾, or 服装 of a person with MPV.






如果你接触过携带MPV的人或动物, you should monitor your health and look for 迹象 or symptoms consistent with MPV for  a full 21 days after your last exposure


遵循隔离和预防措施 直到 (1)皮疹可由医疗保健提供者评估, (2)进行测试, 如果他们的医疗保健提供者建议, and (3) results of testing are available and are negative.

If other 迹象 or symptoms are present, but t在这里 is no rash:

遵循隔离和预防措施 for 5 days after the development of any new sign or symptom, even if this 5-day period extends beyond the original 21-day monitoring period. If 5 days have passed without the development of any new sign or symptom and a thorough skin and oral examination reveals no new skin changes such as rashes or lesions, isolation and prevention practices for MPV can be stopped.

如果出现新的体征或症状 develops at any point during the 21-day monitoring period (including during a 5-day isolation if applicable), then a new 5-day period should begin and you should follow isolation and prevention practices.

隔离和预防措施 can be ended prior to 5 days if a healthcare provider or public health authority believes the rash, 迹象, or symptoms are not due to monkeypox and t在这里 is a clear alternative diagnosis made that doesn’t require isolation. The decision on when to end symptom monitoring and home isolation, either during the 21-day monitoring period or any 5-day extension, should be made with input from public health authorities.

•Wear a well-fitting mask, Until all 迹象 and symptoms of MPVillness have fully resolved

•Do not share items that have been worn or handled with other people or animals. Launder or disinfect items that have been worn or handled and surfaces that have been touched by a lesion.

•Avoid close physical contact, including sexual and/or close intimate contact, with other people.

避免共用餐具或杯子. Items should be cleaned and disinfected before use by others.


•Wash hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, 特别是直接接触皮疹后.





Tested Positive for MPV or healthcare Provider or public health authority confirmed MPV

Isolate for the duration of illness, which typically lasts 2-4 weeks.

•根据设置遵循CDC指南(单击) 在这里 欲知详情)


隔离和预防措施 can be ended by a healthcare provider or public health authority

•Wear a well-fitting mask, Until all 迹象 and symptoms of MPV illness have fully resolved

•Do not share items that have been worn or handled with other people or animals. Launder or disinfect items that have been worn or handled and surfaces that have been touched by a lesion.

•Avoid close physical contact, including sexual and/or close intimate contact, with other people.

避免共用餐具或杯子. Items should be cleaned and disinfected before use by others.


•Wash hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, 特别是直接接触皮疹后.




CDC estimates that as many as 41 million Americans get sick from the flu each season, resulting in up to 26 million medical visits and 710,000 每年住院人数. 预防流感的最好方法是 每年注射一次流感疫苗.


